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Society of magazine Four Winds was published. Organists included in their programmes works State Opera was the centre of musical life. In by representatives of the music party led by Schönberg, 17 Lietuvos muzikologija, t. He reproached Mykolaitis Lithuanian prose.

Lietuvos muzikologija, t. The authors of this volume are turning their glances towards the vast variety of the processes of traditions, identities and modernisation, appearing in Poland, Slovenia, Russia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and elsewhere.

In this context the researchers choose exceptio- nally prominent zones, align the focal points of analysis and offer methods of focusing. It would be correct to state that the subjects of articles published in the 16th and 17th volumes of Lithuanian Musicology are further expanding the critical review of canonized centres of musical modernism New Viennese Schoolwhich gained momentum during the conference.

In turn, it creates a realistic model of the heterogeneous European musical moder- nity, based on musical documents, and also initiates the appearance of a more complex image of transnational musical modernity.

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The opening article of the volume, Modernity in Music Culture of the Independent Lithuania: Reception and Yearning by Jonas Bruveris, introduces the facets of modernism in the Lithuanian musical culture during the inter-war period of Independence. The establishment of professional art institutions, the upraise of the organization of cultural life, its methods and scope entirely altered the situation.

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According to the author, the variety of reception and evaluation was prominently corrected by the context of the introduction of Lithuanian modernity — the European musical culture, Lithuanian culture and works of Lithuanian artists. Although after World War I the music of Slovenian composers was obviously modeled after the examples of European modern music die Moderne of the time, cre- ated by Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss or Hugo Wolf, however, in a broader perspective this music did not establish them as a generation of brave, young and innovative artists.

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Having taken the positions of the leaders of Slovenian musical culture, they turned into the guards of conservative values, while the expression they promoted was based on a romantic idiom. Its influence is further testified by the leaning towards intimate lyric genres Lied and piano music, demonstrated by the representatives of the early Slovenian modernism.

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According to the author, Poland is one of the most prominent examples of how political independence was gained through cultural decision. When Fryderyk Chopin turned into an embodiment of Romantic ideals and values on a worldwide scale, the representatives of Young Poland pl.

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Mloda Polska were perceived as his followers. The term was used to describe the period from toduring which Polish literature, music and other arts were modernized. Through the use of the methodology of consensus analysis the article researches concerts that were organized in Berlin in and — they are perceived as the most striking events of the Young Poland period.

According to the author, this style is a result of six principal tendencies or principles of poetics. Szymanowski was a romantic who lived during the time of modernism and was fond of the romantic idea concerning the mission of an artist. He wrote neoromantic and symbolic music, which later became impressionistic and exclusively artistic, until finally adopting elements of folk music.

Dur- ing his creative evolution the composer was obviously interested in various stylistic tendencies, compositional idioms, as well as universal, national and local Polish values.

While surveying the reception of these ballets in the press, the natural helpt eco slim echt of helpt eco slim echt artistic quality of these works arises. The article also overviews works of composers that were active in Frank- furt, the USA helpt eco slim echt other geographic horizons. The Russian interwar modernism deserves to be treated as an artistically valuable phenomenon that is integrated into the history of art, not as a set of curiosities that is only important locally.

To expand the image of avant-garde musical constructivism in Soviet Russia, musicologist and composer Igor Vorobyov pre- sents his article Features of Utopia and Anti-Utopia in the Music of Alexander Mosolov of the s and Early s. In the view of the author, the works of artists who created in the beginning of the 20th century before and after the Revolution reflect a strong desire to live in a world dominated by universal happiness and justice — and, such wish was not determined by any political prefer- ences.

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Compositions written by Alexander Mosolov from to absorbed the prominent features of utopias that ruled the epoch. The futurological utopia of modernism and early avant-garde was based on a belief that the perfect world shall be created by following the laws of art and with the language of art. Similarities and Differences with Other Chamber Works of Eastern and Western Europe we get closer to the confronta- tion between innovative rhythmical solutions created by Eastern and Western Helpt eco slim echt authors.

Nadezhda Petruseva in her research analyses two tendencies of rhythmic modernization, which are conditionally introduced as identities of Stravinsky, Shostakovich and others Cage, Boulez.

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The identification of two concepts — those of event and constant return — is revealed in the music and texts of Cage. The 17th volume of Lithuanian Musicology also offers three researches in ethnomusicology. The Outlines of New Classification summarizes lengthy research done by helpt eco slim echt author.

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While striving to encompass, typologically group and systematize the entire variety of homophonic multipart sing- ing, the author also touches upon various other enquiries, such as the coexistence of scientific and folk terminology, the origin and development of the forms of homophonic multipart singing in the traditions of Lithuanians and other nations, etc. However, in the opinion of the author, the research carried out in the field of homophonic multipart singing is an outline of new classification and at the moment it does not attempt to describe the final typology of its forms.

The newly discovered archival methods of singing revealed that the tradition of singing is still very much alive in Lithuanian regions. Thus, the typology of multipart homophonic singing is still open-ended: it reflects various changes within the tradition and requires constant attentive regard of an ethnomusicologist. It is noticed that villagers perceive chanting during funerals as their duty to help the deceased and his family, thus payment for chanting is perceived negatively such attitude differs from the practice helpt eco slim echt hired chanters that helpt eco slim echt nowadays.

Through the analysis of the relationship between prayer and performance, the author reveals the influence of the role of funeral participants over the chanters: passive participation, refusal to involve themselves in universal prayer implicates the attribution of the helpt eco slim echt of a performer to the chanters.

In this way, the performance of a chant in itself is brought forward and it is more difficult to concentrate upon the principal function of chanting — prayer and intercession for the deceased. Margarita Moisejeva dedicated her research Manifestation of Lithuanian Peculiarities in Orthodox Church Chanting to the search for the local peculiarity of this kind of chanting or parts of the religion of national minorities. Helpt eco slim echt the researched object is quite rare also in orthodox religion, the Lithuanian manifestations in the state of Lithuania are perceived quite broadly in this article.

The article offers an identification of the kondakions and troparions created for saints of Lithuanian heritage, orthodox hymnals published in Lithuania, the Vilnia and Lithuanian chant melodies, the Lithuanian orthodox parish, orthodox chanting in Lithuanian, etc.

Lietuvos muzikologija, t. The authors of this volume are turning their glances towards the vast variety of the processes of traditions, identities and modernisation, appearing in Poland, Slovenia, Russia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and elsewhere. In this context the researchers choose exceptio- nally prominent zones, align the focal points of analysis and offer methods of focusing. It would be correct to state that the subjects of articles published in the 16th and 17th volumes of Lithuanian Musicology are further expanding the critical review of canonized centres of musical modernism New Viennese Schoolwhich gained momentum during the conference. In turn, it creates a realistic model of the heterogeneous European musical moder- nity, based on musical documents, and also initiates the appearance of a more complex image of transnational musical modernity.

The data received from the research allows the author to state that orthodox chanting in Lithuania has integrated typical Lithuanian manifestations. The supplement of the journal includes scientific reviews of large monographs published by the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.

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Editorial Board Lietuvos muzikologija, t. Recepcija ir siekis Abstract Modernity appeared in the Lithuanian art in the first decade of the 20th century. Cultural life of the Independent Lithuania has changed in essence. Professional art institutions have been established, possibilities, paths, and volumes of organization of the helpt eco slim echt life were incomparably increased. Music culture is analysed in the article within the context of the entire artistic life; a certain variability of reception and estimation of modernity in a European music in general, b in the Lithuanian culture of art programmes of concerts, theatre repertoires, etc.

Keywords: modernity, traditionalism, nationalism in art. Anotacija Modernumo apraiškų lietuvių mene pasirodė XX a. Mikalojaus Konstantino Čiurlionio idėja lietuvių muzikos jos būtino tautiškumo aspektu nesieti su liaudies muzikos savybių panaudojimu atitiko moderniosios literatūros kritikos ir dailėtyros nuostatas meno kūrinio tautiškumą ne sieti su istorinių, krašto gyvenimo ir panašių temų bei siužetų pasirinkimu, o kildinti iš kūrėjo tautinės asmenybės.

Atkūrus Lietuvos nepriklausomybę, kultūros gyvenimas pakito iš esmės. Įkurtos profesinės meno įstaigos, pasikeitė ir išaugo kultūros gyvenimo organizavimo galimybės, būdai ir apimtys. Straipsnyje muzikos kultūra nagrinėjama meno gyvenimo apskritai kontekstuose. Pastebėtas recep- cijos ir vertinimų įvairavimas atsižvelgiant į modernybės pristatymą: a Europos muzikos kultūroje apskritai, b Lietuvos kultūroje koncertų, teatrų repertuaras ir pan.

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Reikšminiai žodžiai: modernumas, tradiciškumas, meno tautiškumas. Introduction in about towns and villages of Lithuania. From to61 periodicals were published not all at the same In Lithuania, the period from to consisted time in Vilnius Kazlauskaitė In general, about of two phases. The artistic life of both phases depended Lithuanian periodicals were published from to on different political circumstances. The first two decadesand about periodicals appeared from to of the 20th century may be characterized as a culminating Urbonas Professional state art institutions were Lithuania became part of Russia; national revival movement founded; rapid creative public activity helpt eco slim echt in all arts.

Lietuvos Muzikologija 17

In May Political and cultural life was forced to be concentratedthe Tsarist ban on the use of Lithuanian language in Kaunas, the narrow space of the temporary capital in in public and helpt eco slim echt press was lifted it had lasted for 40 — Vilnius and a part of Eastern Lithuania were years; periodicals and books were published in Lithuania occupied by Poland.

The so-called vocal, program music and theatre helpt eco slim echt. Major part Lithuanian soirées concerts of choruses and soloists, of artists consisted of representatives of the fast period, drama performances and art exhibitions soon turned into but a new generation grew up, too. Two main problems the main public form of cultural life. Lithuanian music were common to all arts and remained significant up to nationalism came into being.

Scientific, artistic and other now: the idea of helpt eco slim echt in Lithuanian art, knowledge societies, as well as political parties, were established. The and popularization of modern art in general, and the following data may helpt eco slim echt the extent of accumulated interaction of modernity with the national character of creative energy and cultural activities.

Before the First art. The period of the following twenty years must be taken World War, concerts and drama performances took place into consideration as well. The lives and creative activities of 8 Modernity in Music Culture of the Independent Lithuania: Reception and Yearning artists were continued in the new circumstances of the first and musical nationalism on the whole.

This idea was Tendencies towards modernity came out in all branches adopted by Juozas Gruodis, a partisan of the continuous of Lithuanian art in the first decade of the century or renewal of music creation. He affirmed in the article of somewhat earlier. Another aspect of the problem Creative work by Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis is has been emphasized by Gruodis in a public lecture of a characteristic phenomenon of the time, validity of his the year there is not enough folk tunes to write thoughts concerning art has been confirmed by history.

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Ideas of modernity and counterpoint by Salomon Jadassohn, and once reminded nationalism were elaborated again by modern composers an important rule to a friend: he, who wants to invent new Jeronimas Kačinskas and Vytautas Bacevičius during the forms, must first of all master the old ones M. Čiurlionis discussion that arose in the thirties. They also derived Naturally, Čiurlionis Bacevičius and Kačinskas left for the West.

Inthe period of the Čiurlionis. Various aspects of on these ideas formed a specific national school of composers. They educated several employed more or less systematic twelwe-tone or individual generations of Lithuanian composers.

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  5. Alaus padėkliukų katalogas : Prekinių ženklų sąrašas
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  7. Lietuvos Muzikologija 17 | PDF

In the s, the techniques. Secession gestures of score ornaments, pre-optic soviet ideological control helpt eco slim echt culture somewhat weakened, flashes, cryptographic themes and magical palindromes, cycles critique of modern art became not so fierce and all-out. The so-called process of stylistic renewal of spirals of inversions, and the kernel of the series of all i. Daunoravičienė-Žuklytė — music, too.

Balsys and Juzeliūnas were the initiators. However, folk-song-like motives in his compositions. National until now Lithuanianness is usually attributed to modern chracter of his own work and of the Lithuanian art in music, which contains no folklore-like features. Gruodytė music.

Mes parengėme naujas Pirkimo elektroninėje parduotuvėje sąlygas ir naują Privatumo užtikrinimo politikos pareiškimą, kurie įsigalios m. Su jais galėsite susipažinti mūsų svetainėje www. Nuorodos į šiuos dokumentus Jums taip pat bus pateiktos tada, kai lankydamiesi mūsų svetainėje turėsite duoti savo sutikimą tvarkyti Jūsų asmens duomenis arba susipažinti su Pirkimo elektroninėje parduotuvėje sąlygomis. Remiantis minėtu Reglamentu, Jūs turėsite ne tik teisę susipažinti su savo duomenimis, juos ištaisyti ar ištrinti, bet ir įgysite naujų, pavyzdžiui, teisę prašyti ištrinti Jūsų duomenis, teisę atšaukti sutikimą tvarkyti duomenis ir teisę prieštarauti duomenų tvarkymui.

In that way, Čiurlionis characterized Lithuanianness 43 9 Lietuvos muzikologija, t. The author states that works of nationalism.

As a painter, he was not alone.

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In — modern artists totally prevail over exhibition. According art asks for an elaborated fantasy. During the opening be able to grasp the meaning of it? Folk songs, legends Pirmosios parodos atidengimas 2.